Run Overview

A Run is an asynchronous task that is executed in the background to perform a sequence of steps to generate and apply the Database schema from the OIPA database to the Target database.

The user can add a sequence of runs to create a Reporting Schema (Target database schema) same as the Source Database schema (OIPA). During the process of run execution status logs will be generated that indicate the Run status. The DB Scripts can be generated and applied from the source DB (OIPA) to Target DB in two ways:

Run Types

The Run Types supported by ODS are:

  1. Install Run: Takes the snapshot of the Target schema (i.e. Reporting Schema).
  2. Initial Run: Generates and applies the OIPA DB Schema to the Target DB.

The Install and Initial runs can be created and executed only one time in the specified order as stated above to apply the schema to the Target DB for the first time.

  1. Subsequent Run: Applies the schema changes of OIPA DB to the Target DB to maintain consistent schema in the source and the Target databases.

This Run can be added and executed to update the Target Schema whenever there are changes in the Source Database Schema(OIPA).

  1. Alias Run: Applies the user-defined table names to the Target database synonyms.

The user can rename the Alias names for any number of times in Alias Mapping screen and can process and execute Alias Creation run to apply the synonyms in the Target database.

  1. Rollback Run: Rolls back the applied Target DB schema changes when run executed partially (Initial / Subsequent / Alias Runs).

Run Status

ODS displays the below types of run status on the UI when various Run Types were executed.

Status Description
Pending A Run is created and needs to be processed.
RequestSent The Run has started and the ODS is connecting to the OIPA database
ResponseReceived The ODS has connected to the OIPA database and received data from the request
ResponseFailed The ODS failed connect to the OIPA database.
TransformationCompleted The ODS has calculated the data transformation (pivot)
TransformationFailed There was a problem pivoting the OIPA data and the run has stopped
ChangeLogStarted The ODS has begun logging the changes to be made from the data transformation
ChangeLogFailed There was a problem logging the ODS changes
ChangeLogCompleted The ODS has completed the change log updates
Applying The ODS is applying the changes from the transformation scripts
ExecutionFailed There was a problem applying the ODS transformation scripts
ChangesPartiallyApplied Only some of the ODS transformation scripts were applied
StagingPending The Target DDL scripts have been applied to the Reporting Schema with Staging scripts execution pending.
Completed The ODS run has completed successfully
Discarded The ODS run was discarded without processing.
Reverted The ODS run has been reversed (Rolled back).



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